High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (2024)

There are various outgoing gear options out there in the Spiral, and in this article we’re going to tackle some of the options you can go for. You will notice that some of the gear is designed for Theurgists aka life wizards. However, I tried to include various other options for other schools. This is due to the obvious fact that Theurgists dominate the game when it comes to healing. With that statement said, I’d like to point out that I don’t mean that other schools aren’t good at healing, just that Life is in the lead.

A note I wish to address before looking at the options is that I will sometimes make reference to ‘critical healing‘ and ‘defensive healing‘. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Critical healing is when you disregard defenses and heal while hoping to critical. On the other hand, defensive healing is when you rely on both your defensive and outgoing attributes while disregarding critical. Additionally, I fancy myself as an avid PvE enthusiast more than PvP, however I think the options found within this article can satisfy both sides of the game. If you think we missed an important piece of gear, please don’t hesitate to post in the comments. We would greatly appreciate that.

Alongside the name of every piece of gear, you’ll notice some numbers. This is the level of the item as in this guide you’ll find gear fromvarious levels.


Surprisingly, I didn’t find as much Hat options for outgoing as I was hoping for. As you’ll notice while reading through this article, hats don’t compete as much as other pieces do when it comes to outgoing. Let’s take a look at some of the options below.

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • Option 6

Jade Hood of Mystery 100 & 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (1)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (2)

Ok, this isn’t really a piece of gear that screams outgoing but it is a very popular choice with healers. The resist makes the low outgoing worth it, as well as the +6% power pip chance.

Obtainable as a chance from theKeeper’s Lore Pack

Poseidon’sBrim of Ardor 90

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (3)

An option only for Life wizards. This hat is an option if you’re going for critical healing and not as a defensive setup.

Obtainable from Poseidon in Tartarus

Chrysanthemum Cowl 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (4)

A similar option to the Jade hat except that it offers more outgoing and less universal resist. This hat is not so popular, thus it tends to be overlooked. However, it does offer some healing potential while maintaining decent resist at the same time.

Obtainable as a possible reward from the Ninja’s Lore Pack

Shard Warrior’s Helm 120

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (5)

A plentiful amount of outgoing and universal critical mixed together, with an additional +8% power pip chance and 435 hp. Also, it’s by far the highest amount of outgoing from a hat.

Obtainable from the Jewel Crafter’s Bundle

Queen’s Color Guard Shako 90

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (6)

Only obtainable seasonally, this hat offers a balanced amount of incoming and outgoing. The additional storm resist is also quite the asset to this hat, and this is only the lvl 90 version of it. Image for lvl 100 hat is currently missing.

Obtainable as a possible reward from the Yuletide Pack

Mask of the Faerie Court 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (7)

Not the best option but still an option! The various types of stats it offers are interesting but not a good enough amount of any to compete with other options.

Obtainable as a possible reward from the Hoard of the HydraPack


Dropped By: Brulee Sucre in Grand Tourney Arena


  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • Option 6
  • Option 7
  • Option 8

Spooky Carnival Suit

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (8)

Definitely a robe for defensive healing and a very popular choice. Basically a more potent version of the jade robe in all aspects except for the universal resist. At the end of the day its worth losing the 2% universal resist in order to gain the other stat boosts.

Obtainable as a chance from theSpooky Carnival Bundle

Jade Robe of Mystery 100 & 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (9)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (10)

Again, not the best piece of gear for outgoing, but for obvious reasons it deserves a mention. It’s the best universal resist robe in the game so far and it can be easily used for healing and/or tanking.

Obtainable as a chance from theKeeper’s Lore Pack

MajorisArmor of Impulse 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (11)

A robe tailored just for life wizards. Most of you will remember this robe when it used to originally offer 40%+ outgoing. However, due to recent changes it now offers +27% outgoing which in my opinion is still really good.

Dropped by the Rat in Polaris

Faerie Court Steel Leaf 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (12)

Impressive incoming and outgoing coming from this one. The 700 additional health, 9% pip chance and 6 universal accuracy make it quite powerful, however you’ll notice that it isn’t defensive at all.

Obtainable as a chance from theHoard of the HydraPack


Dropped By: Brulee Sucre in Grand Tourney Arena

Icewind Glade Winterwraps 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (13)

Competing directly with the faerie robe, this one offers extremely similar stats with a little less outgoing (1%) and practically the same health. Additionally, the critical makes it a viable choice for an outgoing + critical combo.

Obtainable as a chance from theWinterlandPack

Zeus Robes 90

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (14)

Probably not your first thought when it comes to healing, but surprisingly Zeus’ set offers a fair amount of outgoing. Click the link below to see the robe variation for your own school.

Dropped by Zeus in Tartarus

Polarian Explorer’s Snowsuit 120

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (15)

The critical block combined with the 15% outgoing make this robe worthy of a mention. However, the lack of power pip chance with the not so impressive universal damage exclude this from being one of my main choices.

Obtainable from the Polarian Explorer’s Bundle

Queen’s Color Guard Jacket 130

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (16)

Considerably not my first option, this robe is still quite a catch! The different stats you can find in it, can make a good combination when added with other pieces of gear.

Obtainable as a chance from theYuletidePack

Chrysanthemum Coat 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (17)

Another remarkable option with balanced stats similar to the Jade robe. However you can see a rapid boost in outgoing and a decrease in universal resist. What is truly noteworthy is the high amount of health you can find on it.

Obtainable as a possible reward from the Ninja’s Lore Pack


  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • Option 6
  • Option 7
  • Option 8
  • Option 9

Mysterious Jade Boots 100 & 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (18)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (19)

Once more, these boots are not the best outgoing source, however they’re still a popular option with healers. The high resist makes the low outgoing viable.

Obtainable as a chance from theKeeper’s Lore Pack

Greenwarden’s Peaceful Greaves 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (20)

The most outgoing you can get from boots so far (+29%). It’s truly an insane amount of outgoing, but unfortunately the other stats from this boots don’t support it. Damage, energy and health don’t really make that much sense together with outgoing, so these boots are typicallydismissed as an option.

Obtainable as a chance from theWyvern’s HoardPack

Rocker’s Stompers 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (21)

A much more reasonable option than the Greenwarden boots, the Rocker’s Stompers offer a nice mix of stats a healer would benefit from. At the end of the day, only the universal damage is the odd stat.

Dropped By: Patt Minotaur in Baddle of the Bands

Icewind Glade Trekkers 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (22)

An amazing pair of boots that is more set towards critical healing rather than defensive healing. If that is what you’re going for, then this is the option for you.

Obtainable as a chance from theWinterlandPack

Valiant Jouster’s Sabatons 120

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (23)

Quite an ideal option for critical healing. However you have to be quick on your feet or else you will be wiped away fast due to the lack of defenses.

Obtainable from the Grand TourneyBundle

Queen’s Color Guard Boots 130

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (24)

A weirdly balanced pair of boots. Why weirdly? Because it is defensive and offensive and good for healers as well. Need I say more? Truly though, the stats are quite decent.

Obtainable as a chance from theYuletidePack

Zeus Boots 90

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (25)

Probably not your first thought when it comes to healing, but surprisingly Zeus’ set offers a fair amount of outgoing. Click the link below to see the boots’ variation for your own school.

Dropped by Zeus in Tartarus

Chrysanthemum Boots 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (26)

A similar option to the Jade boots except that it offers more outgoing and less universal resist. These boots are not so popular, thus they tend to be overlooked. However, it does offer some healing potential while maintaining decent resist at the same time.

Obtainable as a possible reward from the Ninja’s Lore Pack

Faerie Court Boots 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (27)

More of an honorable mention rather than an actual option.The unfortunate thing here is that it misses defensive qualities and it can’t be considered good for critical healing either.

Obtainable as a chance from theHoard of the HydraPack


Dropped By: Brulee Sucre in Grand Tourney Arena


There’s a lot of variety when it comes to picking a wand. The probability is that the choice will be made depending on availability. If you’re going for the best wand, then investing in the Keeper’s Lore Pack would be wise but also expensive. Let’s look at the options below:

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • Option 6
  • Option 7
  • Option 8

Silver Order of the Spiral 100 & 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (28)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (29)

Barely any noticeable difference between one and the other. Still this is my all time favorite option for defensive healing.

Obtainable as a chance from theKeeper’s Lore Pack

Harpoon of the Darksome Depths 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (30)

This wand is one of the best options for critical healing in my opinion. At level 100 it offers 95 critical and 20% outgoing which could compete against the Silver Order of the Spiral (that offers defensive healing) when it comes to effectiveness.

Obtainable from the AtlanteanBundle

Emerald Caiman’s Scepter 90

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (31)

An extremely balanced wand for both critical and defensive healing. Originally obtainable from the Skyvern’s Hoard Pack, this wand is now a unique drop from Ixcax at lvl 90 only.

Dropped by Ixcax CursedWing in Three Points

Mandolin of Evermore 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (32)

This mandolin is another plausible option for defensive healing. Additionally, the Guardian Spirit item card can be a good asset for non life wizards using this wand.

Obtainable as a chance from theHoard of the HydraPack


Dropped By: Brulee Sucre in Grand Tourney Arena

Winter’s Radiant Staff 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (33)

Do note that this image is of a lvl 70 version of this wand. The lvl 100 provides you with 105 critical and 15% outgoing which are amazing for critical healing.

Obtainable as a chance from theYuletidePack

Color Guard Wintergreen Blade 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (34)

A great critical healing wand with some additional (pointless) pierce. The balance between incoming and outgoing is quite pleasing as other gear pieces tend to miss incoming stats.

Obtainable as a chance from theYuletidePack

Sword of Kings 76

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (35)

Definitely the best option you could go for if you don’t want to spend a penny and get good critical healing at the same time.

Obtainable from ‘The Head of the Dragon’ quest in the Keep of Ganelon, Avalon

Root of Spring 95

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (36)

Definitely one of the countless secrets of the spiral! The Root of Spring is the most entertaining option of them all. Unfortunately, it only offers +12% outgoing as stats but the chance of having a may cast Rebirth is quite unique!

Recipe from Azealia the Armsmaster in Sardonyx


I like to refer to this as Schrodinger’s athame, because picking an athame can be both easy and not so easy at the same time. My 3 go to outgoing athame choices are listed below. However, this can be a difficult choice as all of them have their different perks. Morganthe’s athames offer a variety of useful stats for healing, such as power pips, block and of course outgoing. Not to mention the 4 precious jewel sockets, unlike my other 2 athame choices.

Wolf’s Emerald Talon offers the most outgoing out of them all. It can get a total of 35% outgoing if you socket 2 Polished Mending Opals. However, it lacks other stats like health and power pip chance. On the other hand, the Cosmic Kris is a pretty balanced option, but Morganthe’s will always be my personal favorite due to the extra stats and sockets. In conclusion, the choice must be made by determining which stat you prioritize.

Morganthe’s Athames

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (37)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (38)Dropped By: Morganthe

Cosmic Kris

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (39)

Can be bought from the Bazaar


Recipe from: Aegeus in Crustacean Empire

Wolf’s Emerald Talon

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (40)

Can be bought from the Bazaar


Dropped By: Asrik Widebelt in Vestrilund


You’ll face a simple choice when it comes to amulets. If you’re NOT a Life wizard then you need to equip an amulet that provides you with a life mastery. On the other hand, if you are a life wizard then there are 2 choices, Rasputin’s amulet and the amulet from Zigazag. If you’re familiar with both amulets, right now you’re probably saying that it’s an obvious choice. Rasputin’s amulet simply offers much more defensive stats, but Zigazag’s offers the additional outgoing which is definitely worth the mention.

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5

Rasputin’s Charm of Exertion 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (41)

Dropped by the Rat in Polaris

Jewel of the Virtuous Soul 60

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (42)

Dropped from the Wood Chest in Lower Zigazag

Exalted Life Amulet 90

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (43)

Dropped By: Hades the Unseen and Cronus

Chaplet of the Death Knight 100

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (44)

Dropped from Gold Chest in Castle Darkmoor

Luphilim’s Rapture Pendant 110

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (45)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (46)

Dropped By: Omen Stribog

Life Mastery Amulet

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (47)

Obtainable from the Crown Shop


Luska Charmbeak and Sylvester Glowstorm in Waterworks


This piece of gear is another tricky choice! When someone mentions the words ‘outgoing’ and ‘ring’, 4 main choices come to mind. The rings dropped from the worlds of Avalon, Azteca, and Khrysalis.

On the other hand, the new level 120 Life ring dropped from Mirage offers a balanced mix between critical and outgoing which can be quite useful for non defensive strategies.

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • Option 6

Stone of the Other Side

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (48)

Dropped By: Pendragon, Black Knight, and others

Storm Caiman’s Tailbiter Ring


Dropped By: Belloq in Twin Giants

Lords of Night Challenge Ring

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (49)

Dropped By: Malistaire the Undying (Azteca)

Ring of the Dying Star

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (50)

Dropped By: Morganthe, Shadow Palace

Seal of the Fifth Column

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (51)

Dropped By: Lord Ombra in the Galleries, Shadow Palace

Tetrus Ringlet of Purpose

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (52)

Dropped By: Shadowbones in Mirage


Whatever school your wizard is,Omen’s decks are what you should go for! The treasure card space and additional stats it provides are a huge advantage. Another plausible option would be the Rat’s decks which are extremely similar, but offer slightly (barely noticeable) decreased stats compared to Omen’s decks. Also, that extra triangle slot on both decks offers quite some interesting jewel options, such as the ones you can see below. You should know that most of the listed jewels can be obtained from Jewel Packs in the Crown Shop and jewel blossom plants, but you can also get them through other options that are linked by clicking on the images.

However, you can go another way and use one of the new decks from Mirage which instead of critical offer pip conversion. This could be good for instances such as when you use a Rebirth and want that pip back.

  • Deck
  • Stat Jewels
  • Card Jewels
  • Aura Jewels
  • Healing Card Jewels

Luphilim’s Rapture Deck

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (53)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (54)

Source: Omen Stribog

Rasputin’s Set of Fortitude

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (55)

Source: The Rat

Tetrus Deck of Purpose

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (56)

Source: Grandfather Spider

Lustrous PIP Opal +10%

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (57)

Dropped By: Omen Stribog

Lustrous Accurate Jade +11%

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (58)

Radical Opal

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (59)

Sanctuary Jade

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (60)

Mass Triage Jade

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (61)

Wrath of Apollo Jade

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (62)

Renew Opal

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (63)

Cycle of Life Opal

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (64)

Mend Opal

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (65)

Sprite Jade

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (66)

Satyr Jade

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (67)

Availing Hands Citrine

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (68)

Rebirth Jade

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (69)


Not that much of an option when it comes to Mounts. Currently there is only the one mount that provides you with outgoing, the Mammoth Mini! You can get it as a reward from Warlord Minak in the Jeweled Slopes, Polaris or buy it from the Crown Shop for 9000 crowns.

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (70)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (71)


This is a difficult part unless you’re one heck of a pet expert (not me)! However, I do know a thing or two about what to getin order to obtain a healing stat pet or even more the best healing stat pet. Below you can see a pet I was able to make with near max stats thanks to Nessa Raventhorn on central. The 2 talents you’ll be needing are Healer and Medic.

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (72)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (73)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (74)

If you want the absolute best healing stats from a pet you need to mix in a few selfish talents in your pool. After some research, the best 4 I could find were Cautious, Mighty, Thinkin’ Cap and Vigorous. They all boost either strength, will or power, or two of the three.

CautiousMightyThinkin’ CapVigorous

Therefore, you might be able to get +11% outgoing from Medic and +5% from Healer. Normally you can get +8% from Medic and +4% from Healer if the pet has max (or near max) stats. Additionally, if you require a certain talent that didn’t manifest till you hit Mega, you can try finding a jewel version of the talent like you can see above with Spell-Proof.


Here comes trouble! If you want to obtain the absolute best outgoing stat, then you will need +6% Shiny Mending Opals. These jewels fit in circle slots so you can currently have up to 3. That’s 18% extra outgoing healing! On the other hand, you can use the old Polished Mending Opals +5% which are slightly more common at the moment.

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (75)

High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (76)

Proposed Setup

After looking at all those options, what would I even propose to you? There are many good combinations you could go for. My personal setup on one of my life wizards isfull Jade set, Silver Order of the Spiral, Morganthe’s athame, the Rat’s amulet, Stone of the Other Side ring, the above pet and Omen’s deck with a pip jewel socketed to it.

What I just listed doesn’t really scream ‘outgoing’ but that’s the thing! You don’t really need to get a crazy amount of outgoing. Keep in mind that you need other stats to survive and be able to heal yourself and your teammates.

Only one question is left to answer, what is the maximum amount of outgoing possible? The answer may surprise you!

  • Shard Warrior’s Helm / Chrysanthemum Hat (15%)
  • Majoris Armor of Impulse (27%)
  • Greenwarden’s Peaceful Greaves (29%)
  • Sword of Kings (25%)
  • Wolf’s Emerald Talon (25%)
  • Jewel of the Virtuous Soul (2%)
  • Stone of the Other Side (33%)
  • Mammoth Mini (2%)
  • Medic (11%)
  • Healer (5%)
  • 3 Shiny Mending Opals +6 (18%)

The absolute maximum (that we know of) is 192% for a life wizardand 182% for a non-life wizard!

What are your thoughts on the gear options?
Did we miss anything?

Let us know in the comments!

  • High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (77)
  • High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (78)
  • High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (79)
  • High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (80)
  • High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (81)

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High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion (2024)


High level Outgoing Gear Options - Final Bastion? ›

Wolf's Emerald Talon offers the most outgoing out of them all. It can get a total of 35% outgoing if you socket 2 Polished Mending Opals. However, it lacks other stats like health and power pip chance.

What is the best balance gear for level 50 wizard101? ›

The other best balance gear for level 50 are: Robe=Malistaire Shoes=Vicktor SnowCrusher Dagger=Gurtok Piercer Ring=Gurtok FireBender.

What is the difference between incoming and outgoing healing in wizard101? ›

Incoming healing affects healing spells that affect you, regardless of who cast it. Outgoing affects spells that you cast, regardless of the target. So if you heal yourself, that spell will be affected by both your outgoing and your incoming.

What is the best level 60 ring in Wizard101? ›

The Aureate Band which drops from the last boss in Tower of the Helephant is the best over-all ring at level 60, but if you want a ring that compliments the healing of your athame craft the Stellar Signet. The Lexicon Blade also drops from TotH, and it is the best over-all athame at level 60.

What is the strongest wizard class in Wizard101? ›

Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
  • Storm (478)
  • Fire (368)
  • Myth (365)
  • Ice (359)
  • Death (333)
  • Life (323)
  • Balance (292)

What is the most powerful spell in wizard101? ›

Tempest is the strongest spell to all enemies and judgement is the strongest spell to a single enemy!

Does incantation scaling affect healing? ›

Incant Scaling is a special type of damage stat that can be found on Sacred Seals. The higher this statistic, the higher the damage or healing of the incantation used with the seal. Incant Scaling does not increase the duration of buffs or utility incantations, it only affects damage and healing values.

What does outgoing healing mean? ›

Outgoing healing is the healing that you apply to others. Non-outgoing healing is the healing you apply to yourself.

What does level 50 elixir do Wizard101? ›

The Level 50 Elixir allows you to head straight to Celestia and start your adventures in the second story arc of Wizard101! What does this elixir mean for my Wizard? Instantly be granted level 50 on one character. All main quests up to and including Dragonspyre will be completed.

How to get to level 100 fast in Wizard101? ›

Doing your quests is the best way to reach level 100. Leveling up in Wizard101 takes patience. If you go too quick, then the game won't be as fun. It is good to enjoy the game at a slow pace.

What is the best boss to farm for money in Wizard101? ›

However, for good farming as a fire wizard, get a higher-level friend to take you to Gnar in Austrilund, in Wintertusk. You might also just wand to try Grizzleheim in general, as it tends to give good rewards in gold and items as well as xp so you can level faster. Especially look for GH bosses to farm.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.