Quotes from the Vedas | Vedas Center (2025)

God (OM) In Vedas
1. Oh working people, think of OM. YV 40.17
2. Only way to attain freedom and happiness is by knowing the Blissful God. YV 31.18
3. God has many names. Each of His attributes and qualities is His name. RV 1.164.46
4. All pervading, Biggest of all, Master of all is OM. YV 40.17
5. God (OM) is in each and everything, in this moving universe YV 40.1
6. God knows each and every thing about you, nothing is hidden from Him. AV 4.16.2
7. God who is living and Master of all alone worthy of worship. YV 20.25

Prayers from Vedas

8. We may have highly educated brave men and women, useful animals, civilized society, desired rain, beneficial fruits, grains and herbs, and all our desires may be fulfilled. YV 22.22
9. We may live for 100 years by doing the good works. YV
10. We may obtain pure intellect. YV4.
11. No one may ever go thirsty or hungry. RV
12. O God, Give me strength to give up untruth and become truthful. YV

Wisdom of the Vedas

13. We are all equal brothers and sisters. RV
14. Who consider all living beings like themselves without prejudice, and treat them all like friends, are real pious people. YV 36.18
15. Who eats alone, while others starve, is sinful and unjust. RV
16. Who speaks and acts contrary to his belief is a fraud. YV
17. Husband and wife ought to have sweet tongue for each other. AV 3.30.2
18. You all may have similar thinking, mind, aim, food and serving nature. RV 10.191.3
19. You may all love each other without prejudice. AV 3.30.1
20. All ought to be truthful and just. YV 1.5
21. All ought to make efforts to give peace to others. YV 36.17
22. Get rid of Poverty, it is painful and makes you weak. AV
23. O men do not kill hoofed animals — cow, sheep etc. YV
24. O God, remove our pains and sorrows, bless us with well- being. YV

25. Dharma (righteousness) that sustains the world, created by God, is eternal. RV 10.90.16
12. Eternal principles are known from truthfulness. AV 14.1.1
13. There are laws of the nature and God is the lawmaker. RV 2.28.4
14. The present creation follows the previous one and precedes the one that will follow. RV 10.190.3
15. Truth must meet dual scrutiny of intellect and heart. AV 19.64.1
16. Discriminate truth and falsehood using your intellect. AV 8.4.12
17. Worship none but God. Else, you will be driven to misery. RV 8.1.1
18. God is only one but noble people call Him by many names. RV 1.164.46
19. God is absolute bliss. AV 10.8.1
20. God is my mother, father, brother, friend. RV 10.7.3
21. There is no other way for permanent happiness but to know God otherwise human life is a waste. YV 31.18
22. Once you have realized God, you will face death happily as a bride meets her groom. YV 3.60
23. The immortal soul and perishable body unite for birth and their separation is death. YV 40.15
24. Path of truth is the easiest to follow. RV 1.41.4
25. Welcome noble ideas from all quarters. RV 1.89.1
26. The body you have, was given to the noblest souls before you. AV 10.2.31
27. Know your body to know God. YV 4.13

28. God is seen ‘deep’ in mind, as butter is obtained after churning of milk. SV 908
29. Meditate upon Him twice a day, morning and evening. AV 11.2.16
30. Hey! Cheers, don’t be like a fish thirsty in the midst of water. RV 7.89.4
31. Take a deep breath — air is medicine for you. RV 10.137.3
32. Perform noble deeds and become a Devata (godly). AV 12.3.53
33. Unlike animals, human society has categories based on the quality of deeds – Devata, benevolent, average, cunning and demon. AV 11.7.27
34. Everybody should perform good deeds like God does. RV 9.63.5
35. Desire to live for a hundred years, being very active. YV 40.2
36. Lead an active life void of laziness. RV 8.2.18
37. Make your deeds speak. RV 10.32.2
38. Be dynamic in life. AV 13.1.34
39. Noble deeds bring permanent happiness. YV 18.1
40. God knows all our deeds. AV 4.16.2
41. You reap what you sow, no forgiveness. AV 12.3.48
42. Being active is good but peace is attained only in His lap. RV 10.33.3

Dos & Donts:
43. Be righteous and build a sterling character. YV 4.28
44. Finish the enmity and not the enemy. YV 11.80
45. Earn money truthfully. RV 10.31.2
46. Don’t eat flesh or eggs. RV 10.87.16
47. Keep mind void of lust, anger, greed, envy, false pride, delusion. RV 7.104.22
48. Live and let others live. AV 19.69.1
49. Be humble, lighter than plant leaves. AV 10.1.29
50. Being truthful will keep you away from sins. RV 4.23.8
51. Don’t hurt anybody, nor any animal. YV 3.63
52. Treat all beings as self. YV 40.6
53. Restraining from sex will get you a longer lifespan. YV 34.50
54. Man should live happily with animals. AV 2.26.3
55. Intoxicating drinks are harmful. RV 8.2.12
56. Cow milk is nectar for you. RV 1.71.9
57. Protect cow and other animals, don’t kill them. YV 1.1
58. Spread sweetness as honey. AV 1.34.2

59. Donate to charity. RV 10.117.7
60. Noble people give away money for well being of poor and homeless. RV 1.14.5
61. All wealth rush to a large hearted person. RV 10.119.9
62. Don’t enjoy life alone; spread happiness. RV 10.117.6

63. Teacher keeps the pupil in his protective womb. YV 2.33
64. Teacher shows the pupil path to the supreme mother & father — God. RV 6.3.4
65. To acquire knowledge you have eyes, ears and mind. RV 10.71.7
66. We should be educated about the beautiful art that the universe is and also the artist — God. AV 5.17.5
67. Find a good wife to become a truly noble man. AV 14.2.32
68. Both bride and groom should consent for the wedding. RV 10.27.12
69. Bride should live in her home as a queen. AV 14.2.43
70. Hey, the married couple! Live together happily forever. RV 10.85.42
71. Your biological union is to conceive a baby and not for gratification. RV 10.85.37
72. There should be no envy between two brothers/sisters. AV 3.30.3
73. Love one another. AV 3.30.1
74. Take good care of your parents. YV 2.34
75. Follow your father’s/mother’s positive deeds. AV 3.30.2
76. You should elect your head of state/government. AV 3.5.7


77. Learned and brave build the nation. AV 12.5.8
78. Earth is mother, we are its children. AV 12.1.12
79. Entire humanity is one family in a bird’s nest. YV 32.8
80. Everybody should be wealthy. YV 23.65

81. Man and woman have identical soul. AV 10.8.27
82. The lady of the house truly leads a family. RV 8.33.19
83. Widows may remarry. RV 10.40.2

84. Develop a scientific outlook. RV 1.3.4
85. Earth was born by the sun. RV 10.72.4.
86. Moon becomes visible due to the sun rays. SV 147
87. Sun doesn’t rise or set, it’s the earth that rotates. SV 121
88. Sun’s gravitational force keeps the earth stable. RV 1.103.2
89. Propagation of the message of the Vedas is service to God. RV 1.72.2
90. Study the Vedas for lifespan, vigor, good children, healthy animals, fame, wealth and spiritual progress. AV 19.71.1

Quotes from the Vedas | Vedas Center (2025)
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